Ole Dich multi channel peristaltic pump type 110.19

Front plate dimensions W x H 482,6 x 177,5 mm.
Built-in depth:  130 mm 
Main voltage:  200 - 240 V AC 50/60 Hz. 50 W max. 
Operating temperature:  0 - 40°C 
Weight without channels:  Approx 8.0 kgs. 
Revs/min:  0,04 - 38 
Microprocessor controlled pump 1-50 channels.
RS 232 
Pump type 110.19.ACR is a panel model for horizontal building into a 19” standard rack. The pump is driven by a stepper motor, an is delivered as standard with internal setting for all functions. The type 110.19 can be supplied with or exten-ded to comprise any number of channels type A or B.
All functions are controlled by a microprocessor. Programming and the control of operations is effected via a built-in keypad or through one of the pumps two inputs. (RS 232 or parallel port). 
The set values and functions are automatically updated, so that all parameters will be the same even after a power interrupt.
                                            Max. number of channels                  Revs/min.
Ordernumber without channels           A/B              Max.               Min.        
110AC(R).80G38  50  38  0,04 
110AC(R).40G38  30  38  0,04 
(R) in order number indicate built in RS 232.

Ole Dich type 110.19.ACR built-in